Tailored Communication Solutions

We offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate your organization’s impact and reach. From strategic marketing consulting and communications expertise to public relations, advocacy, and community engagement, we help you navigate complex landscapes and connect with your target audience authentically. Our services also encompass public health research design, tailored for non-profit and political campaign communications, and grant writing to secure the resources you need. Whether you’re seeking to champion LGBTQ+ and multicultural representation or driving positive change in public health, we’re here to empower your voice and maximize your success. See description of services below.

Change Craft LLC

Explore our suite of services designed to meet every communication challenge. From Public Relations to Advocacy, our expert team delivers solutions that resonate.

Strategic Marketing Consulting

Tailored strategies to solve unique challenges and business objectives, enhancing impact.


Communications Expertise:

High-level partnership providing advice, coaching, internal communications plans, and expert insights.

Multicultural & LGBTQ+ Media

Audience engagement through diverse media channels for LGBTQ+ and multicultural communities.

Public Health Research Design

Expert guidance on strategy, evaluations, and formative research for complex health topics.

Public Relations & Advocacy

Message development and distribution strategies for issue discussion, coalition building, stakeholder engagement, and policy change.


Community Engagement

Partnership strategies built on effective listening, two-way learning, participatory research, & events.

Nonprofit Management & Marketing

Branding consultation, communications refinement, events, audience development, web & social media.

Political Campaign Communications

Comprehensive communications for candidates or issues, including online presence and direct mail.

Fund Development & Grant Writing

Consulting on business strategy, foundation engagement, proposal development, and funding strategies for public health initiatives.

Our Inspired Communication Framework

Forging genuine relationships with those important to our client’s success is the foundation. Our passion for your success unlocks insights that other consultants miss.
We build strategies alongside you and the communities we serve informed by data and validated through collaborative pressure testing.
With clear alignment on strategic direction, we develop inspired and informed communications products to drive results and meaningful impact.